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Announce your expatriation to your crush/partner

Your departure abroad has been planned for some time. You are leaving for work, and your whole family knows it. But you didn't plan for a crush/partner to come into your life at this time. How do you tell them about your expatriation without scaring them away or making them back off? According to Marie ClaireIn 9 out of 10 cases, it is the wife who follows her husband in heterosexual couples who decide to expatriate. It doesn't matter who follows the other, the main thing is to consider the opportunity you have and to communicate.


Expatriation as an opportunity

An expatriation remains a chance to discover a new culture, a new country, a new atmosphere, sometimes even a new language. It is an opportunity in every way that you have decided to seize (or want to seize), but the fact that someone is coming into your life at this time is scary. Especially ask yourself if you are ready to receive love at that moment, and think about the distance. Will you be able to handle it, or will your spouse/crush join you?

The most important thing is to believe in the relationship. If you are open to love, give yourself a chance to love despite the potential obstacles. If you are on the same page as your crush/partner, he/she will understand that this expatriation is an incredible opportunity that you have taken. He/she should encourage you if he/she wants you to be happy, not put obstacles in your way or give you an ultimatum. In this case, you will know that he/she is not the right person for you. A priori, love supports everything.


Communicate about your expatriation and make a choice

If you are not in a relationship, then you need to make it clear to each other that this relationship is going to be different. You are going abroad in a short time but you are ready to love. You need to be honest. In the worst case, the relationship ends there; you weren't together so it doesn't matter. Everyone moves on. In a favorable case, he/she is open to the distance and agrees to continue to discover you despite the distance. For an even more favorable outcome, he/she is ready to conclude with you and to come and see you often or to join you.

In case you are already in a relationship, think about yourself. We tend to think a lot about others and forget ourselves. Do you want to discover something different? Then leave. With love and a stable relationship, your spouse will make the choice that best suits him/her. If he/she threatens you or leaves you, it is because he/she was not the right person for you and you were not meant to stay together. If the person is understanding and wants you to be happy, he or she will follow you or reluctantly accept the distance without resenting you.

To tell the other person, be honest from the start. Explain to him what you aspire to in your heart of hearts. Since expatriation is your goal, you must announce it quickly and gradually. Beforehand, mention the fact that you want to be transferred or that you want to live abroad. Second, prepare your crush/partner for a potential departure by discussing it. Tell them about the next step in the expatriation process to be transparent. Finally, tell him/her that it's done, you're going abroad. With a progressive preparation, it is easier to get used to it.


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