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discussion topics meeting

Discussion topics for the first meeting 💬

Carimmat allows you to have nice discussions with new targets, meet new people, and much more. You've got a good connection with someone and it's time to meet that person face to face to make it happen. Before considering anything more intimate, you may want to have a drink with the person, get to know them. You may find it hard to find as much to talk about face to face as you do virtually. 

What to say at the first meeting? What to talk about to avoid blank moments?

Don't panic, we'll explain it all to you.  

The first topics of discussion

First, you'll be able to discuss your route to this meeting. On the way to meet your date, you may encounter traffic problems, perhaps escape an accident, attend events... or maybe none of the above. Nevertheless, the drive is the first thing you can discuss. 

It is best to start gradually so as not to be too brutal. 

For a more relaxed introduction, you can also, of course, talk about traffic jams on the road! The driving can sometimes be really disastrous depending on the time of day and the driver. 

Then you can bring up what you do for a living to continue the discussion. If you work, you can explain what you do, where you work, etc. and vice versa. It is also important to listen to each other!

You can also talk about your personal life, what your situation is, if you have children. One thing leading to another, you'll probably talk about more intimate topics, such as what you're looking for, what you're missing at the moment to be fulfilled, your ambitions, your dreams... a lot of topics! 

Other topics may also be of interest to your crush, including news-related topics, societal issues, etc. Some topics generate more conversation, which can be prioritized. As far as favorite adult topics are concerned, you have real estate, stock market/trading, current events, personal development, travel, culture, sports, cooking... Don't hesitate to talk about your passions, your talents... Pretty light topics! 

You can also move on to funnier topics of conversation, to a more "fun" discussion as they say. Laughing is also a good way to relax the atmosphere while getting to know each other. So don't hesitate to use your humor! 


If you're running out of conversations, you can also bounce off things you've seen about the person. It is not forbidden either to ask questions that interest you, things that make you doubt... all the questions around the character of the person can also be put on the carpet if you have no more subjects, but we do not advise it to you because the discussion risks to lose some of its naturalness. 

What topics should be avoided at first glance?

While many topics can be discussed on the first date, which will make for great conversation, others are best avoided. 

This is what the blog Love Coach. If you follow their advice, you should avoid talking about politics, religion or controversial social issues. It is not necessarily wise to talk about your exes or your problems in detail either. This could make your crush more upset than interested, depending on the person. 

With all of these tips and suggested conversation topics, your date is bound to go well! 


See also: Find love on Carimmat : The guide to a healthy relationship